
The arrangements for residents to engage in social activities hobbies and leisure interests:

Social Contact:

All residents are encouraged to keep up all their social contacts while in Aras Mhuire Nursing Home. We operate an open visiting policy and residents are free to see visitors either privately in their rooms or in any of our communal areas, or in the gardens or in the quiet rooms which are located throughout the building. We encourage relatives and friends to visit the resident as though the resident were in their own home. We do ask all visitors to sign a visitor’s book on entry and exit of the Nursing Home, as part of our safety management policy.


There are dedicated activities assistant and activities coordinator in Aras Mhuire Nursing Home who, in conjunction with the director of nursing, plan activity programmes that are resident led. There is an activities schedule in place which is reviewed daily. We are responsive to the choice of residents in relation to the types of activities in which they would like to participate and strive to meet their physical, social and psychological needs. Indoor and outdoor activities are provided, such as a variety of games, exercise classes, musical entertainment, gardening, day trips   religious services, knitting, Rosary, Flower arranging, exercise class, quiz sessions, story- telling, reminiscence groups, Movie afternoons, walks, gardening, newspaper reading, card games, poetry reading, proverb quiz, sing –a –long interaction with Local secondary and primary school students.

Visitors from the Local community are welcomed at the Nursing Home.

Visiting Artists are also invited to Nursing Home during the year eg. Pottery etc.

The day room is fully supervised between 11am and 8pm Monday to Fridays and between 2pm and 8pm Saturday and Sunday. Activities are provided throughout this time.

The arrangements made for consultation with and participation of residents in the operation of the designated centre

Our objective at Aras Mhuire Nursing Home is to create a place where older people can live comfortably and receive services they require, rather than a place where priorities are organised around the delivery of health and social services to whoever happens to be there. The aim of the Service is to facilitate resident-directed care supported by self-managed teams, in order to allow older people to receive ongoing care services as required in a setting which allows them to live to their fullest, enjoying multiple social, psychological and spiritual aspects of life and meaningful connections with others. Residents make most choices about their daily routines. These choices range from when to get up, to what to wear, what activities they wish to be involved in, and how they want to participate in the management of their own health. These choices are recorded in each resident’s care plans.

To help us function as a true community in which everyone’s contribution is recognised and valued, all residents (including those with cognitive impairment), their families and staff members have the opportunity to be involved in the decisions that affect them, to the extent that they wish to be involved.

As well as personal interaction on a day to day basis we also have Resident council meetings every two to three months.

 The arrangements made for residents to attend religious services of their choice:

Religious Needs

Services of worship for all denominations can be arranged and conducted in the Home, taking into consideration cultural practices rituals and beliefs. Attendance at religious practices is the resident’s choice.

Mass is celebrated every Thursday at 3pm by Fr. Sheedy

The Holy Sacrament is provided each Sunday morning. A Remembrance mass is held annually at the Nursing Home for those who are deceased and deceased family members are invited to attend. If family members wish for a priest to celebrate mass for a resident within the home we are very happy to accommodate this

Family members are encouraged to take residents out to external religion services should they so wish. Arrangements can however be made for any resident of any denomination to see a member of a religious group. If a resident requests a visit from their Clergy, the staff of Aras Mhuire Nursing Home will contact them and afford the resident the privacy they require. A list of contact details for religious organisations is located on the notice board.

The arrangements made for contact between residents and their relatives, friends and/or carers:

Arrangements for Visiting

  • Potential Residents

We understand that the decision to move into continuing care can be a stressful time. At Aras Mhuire Nursing Home we want to make your transition as smooth as possible. Our Director of Nursing will be happy to meet with you and your family to give you a tour of the building and discuss any personal needs you may have. In order to ensure you receive our uninterrupted attention we would ask that you kindly schedule an appointment in the first instance.

  • Existing Residents

We operate an flexible visiting policy within Aras Mhuire Nursing Home however to protect our residents we ask that all visitors sign in and out on entering and leaving, wait in the designated visitors’ area to enable staff to announce their arrival and partake in precautionary infection control measures as appropriate. Aras Mhuire Nursing Home reserves the right to impose restrictions on visiting arrangements where the visit or is deemed to pose a risk or where the resident requests restrictions.