We would like to think of Aras Mhuire Nursing Home as a home from home.
Our staff will do their utmost to protect the privacy and dignity of the Resident by:
- Knocking before entering the room, calling the resident by their desired name.
- asking permission prior to any personal/ nursing interventions
- Discussing the plan of care and reviews with the resident, allowing choice to the resident
- Respecting the resident’s own private room and personal items.
- Blinds closed, doors closed when being attended to
- Staff respect resident’s wishes allowing them to be independent, to have a choice in their care and make their own decisions. Residents have the right to remain autonomous and independent for as long as they physically can.
- Residents wear their own clothes and sleep in their own night attire.
- Residents receive their mail promptly and unopened
- Social contacts with friends and relatives should be maintained and encouraged.
- Residents are addressed by staff using their preferred term of address. All staff respect all of the above by avoiding inappropriate comments. Lapses in this Code of Conduct not accepted.
- Where a resident is in a Double Room the Quiet Room is available