Visitors are a most important aspect of life in Aras Mhuire. Visiting hours are open and visitors are welcomed to share in any of the activities and
entertainment in the home. Alternatively there is a private visitor’s room available for the comfort of relatives and friends. At Aras Mhuire we have open visiting hours but would ask people to respect the wishes of residents and their needs. This visitor’s room is converted into an isolation room or room for end of life care when necessary. During these times staff will endeavour to ensure resident’s have space to meet visitors in private .
We kindly ask that all visitors sign in and out upon entering and leaving the home, and partake in precautionary infection control measures by using hand sanitizers provided.
Aras Mhuire Nursing Home reserves the right to impose restrictions on visiting arrangements where the visit is deemed to pose a risk, or if visitors suffering from infectious illness pose a risk to our residents, or where the resident themselves requests restrictions.