John O’ Keeffe RIP

We are very sad to inform you of the passing of our Board Member and highly regarded former Chairman, John O’ Keeffe.

For a long number of years, John was a devoted champion of Aràs Mhuire Nursing Home and gave outstanding service to the “home”. He had an ability to grasp big issues, to focus on the important concerns and to get the job done. John oversaw the transformation of Aràs Mhuire to the centre of excellence care facility it is today. To Aràs Mhuire, John leaves the legacy of a wonderful care facility, operating to the highest clinical standards and with excellent management and staff. He leaves a Board with all the skills necessary to provide governance in this challenging environment.

As Chair, John worked closely with his fellow Board members and with Tricia Joy and her valued team. His leadership skills, firsthand practice, and unwavering commitment to the community at Aràs Mhuire were lauded and greatly appreciated. John’s board meetings were short and to the point and never without a taste of his mischievous sense of humour and sharp wit. At his retirement party three weeks ago, he was deservedly honoured by Staff, Residents, and the Board and, ever the entertainer, he sang a verse of “The Goat broke loose in Grand Parade” to the delight of all.

We extend our deepest condolences to John’s partner, Noreen, to his beloved children and extended family.

Ní bheidh a leithéid arís Ann