Mary Kennelly who lives in Glin, Co Limerick and hails originally from Ballylongford, Co. Kerry has so very Generously offered the proceeds of her latest book to Aras Mhuire Nursing home and Our Lady of Fatima Home. Here is a a word from Mary: I spent many years working in Education and in the Arts. I am also a published poet and writer. My previous collections include ‘Sunny Spells, Scattered Showers’, ‘From the Stones’, ‘Catching Bats Takes Patience’ and ‘Splinters’.
‘Into the Grey’ is a collection that follows my journey living with the impact of dementia on my two uncles, Fr. John Kennelly and the poet Brendan Kennelly and on those of us who cared for them. It is estimated that almost 30 people are diagnosed with some form of dementia each day and so this is a journey that will be familiar to many families in Ireland today.
While the collection is at times sad, at its core it is filled with love. I do not shy away from the hardship of loving someone with dementia, but moments of decline are balanced with moments of devotion and, for all its tragedy, it is a journey filled with tenderness
The book was written as a way of dealing with the grief caused by living decline but also as a thank you to the staff who cared for John and Brendan in their nursing homes.
All profits from ‘Into the Grey’ will be shared by Our Lady of Fatima Home, Tralee, Co. Kerry and Aras Mhuire Nursing Home, Listowel, Co Kerry.
‘Into the Grey’ will be launched by Ms. Norma Foley, Minister for Education and Skills, on Saturday June 4th at 1pm in the Kerry Writers Museum as part of the Writer’s Week 2022 festival.
As the proceeds of the book are going to support the homes that supported John and Brendan,
Copies of the book will be available from Aras Mhuire Nursing Home, Kenny’s.ie or from local bookshops (Woulfes Bookshop and Easons Listowel) or click below to buy it now.
Aras Mhuire Nursing Home is the fifth lowest funded nursing home in Ireland and relies on the gargantuan efforts of People like Mary to allow us to continue to support people in our community to have the highest quality of life possible. Books are on sale for €15 each. Click Below to Buy Now